How do I embed the web chat into my website?

How do I embed the web chat into my website?

To embed the chat on the website, you need to create a container and give it the ID "qualimero-chat-client".

Then, the following script must be integrated into the page (header or footer):

<!-- AI driven agents by -->
      window.qualimeroConfig = {
    phoneNumber: "xxx",
    aid: "xxx",
    // Optional
    style: {
        iconColor: "#ffffff",
      buttonColor: "#a770ef"
 <script defer src=""></script>

"iconColor" and "buttonColor" can be adjusted according to the CI (Corporate Identity)

"aid" corresponds to the accountId

"phoneNumber" please enter if WhatsApp is active, otherwise please leave "xxx" as is.

Important: There must not be any Qualimero WebWidget embedded on the page where the chat is integrated, otherwise display errors and problems will occur.