How do I configure the web chat?

How do I configure the web chat?

In the Qualimero software, you will find the “Web Widget” category under Settings. The web chat can be configured here:

Preview Message

The preview message is the message that is displayed on the chat bubble before it is clicked

car display

Auto Display defines the time until the web chat opens automatically. Please enter in milliseconds (1sec = 1000 milliseconds). Enter 0 to deactivate the function.

Avatar URL

Insert a link to the image here


Title is the first headline in the web chat. The picture shows an example of “Sarah from Qualimero”


Subtle is the second part of the headline. The picture shows an example of “I am online and happy to help”

Call to Action

The call to action is the message at the bottom of the writing line. The picture shows an example of “Write us a message”

Hidden on Mobile

Here, the entire WebWidget can be hidden on mobile devices.

Show WhatsApp

When this element is turned on, mobile devices display WhatsApp instead of web chat

WABA Message

The predefined WhatsApp message for the customer can be defined here

Overide Message

Only valid for WhatsApp links: When this function is switched on, the WABA message (as defined above) is used. If this function is disabled, the predefined message from the WhatsApp link is used.